Catarina Campos was born in Portugal during the vibrant 1990s. Armed with a solid background in Marketing and Communication and a postgraduate degree in Digital Design, she embarked on a distinctive journey that led her to reside in the lively city of Porto for nearly a decade. However, it was in Paris, during a semester, that she absorbed the Parisian influences that have since profoundly and distinctly shaped her artistic expression as an illustrator.
A true bon vivant, Catarina revels in the charms of a bohemian life, cherishing moments that unfold both in her travels and at the table, surrounded by friends. After dedicating a substantial part of her life to the field of communication, she found refuge and authenticity in illustration and design, elevating these passions to new heights. In each piece, Catarina strives to convey the essence of her experiences, inviting us to explore the myriad facets of her worldview.