I was born and raised in rural Herefordshire, UK, and have been a late comer to the world of art, having spent all of my working life to date in healthcare. My journey into painting has been stimulated by a diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease 5 years ago, both as a way of maintaining some dexterity and also, and more importantly, a way to discover more about myself and express how I am seeing the World around me. I am entirely self taught, and am loving the way my style is developing. Parkinson's often leads me to be up in the wee small hours, and I can regularly be found at 4 am with my Muse, PD, busily moving paint around. I am now in Suffolk, another rural area of the UK, and a lot of my inspiration comes from the countryside and coast around me. In 2022 I was fortunate enough to have 2 of my paintings included in Out of the Blue, an exhibition organised by Parkinson's Art that was held at The OXO Gallery on London's South Bank.